SmartStart Pasco |  Pasco Economic Development Council | 16506 Pointe Village Drive, Suite 107 | Lutz, FL 33558

Pasco Tech Entrepreneur Roundtable

December 21, 2022
This event has expired.


Facilitator: SCORE Mentor

Date & Time:  Wednesday, December 21, 2022
                               (9:00 am-10:30 am)

Location: Virtual via Microsoft Teams

Tech Entrepreneur Roundtables bring Tech Business Owners and early-stage Tech venture founders together on a monthly basis for an exchange of information, challenges, and insights. You have the opportunity to attend two meetings to decide if this is a right fit for you and your business. If you decide to join a Tech Roundtable the annual cost is $150 a year. Participating in the roundtable is free for SMARTstart Business Incubator Members. Join us! Visit our website HERE for complete details. 

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