Resources for Market Research
Pasco County Library System
The Pasco County Library System provides free access to a number of market research databases to those with a Pasco County library card.
Demographics Now 
Access a demographic report on any geography – or compare multiple geographies – for information including income, housing, race, age, education, retail spending, consumer expenditures, businesses and more. Your Pasco County library card number will serve as your password to access this database.
Pasco County Libraries Online Databases > Business & Career > Demographics Now Library Edition
A to Z Databases 
A to Z Databases is the premier reference and marketing database used by libraries, academic, and government institutions throughout the U.S. This simple, user-friendly, web-based solution provides details on businesses and households within the U.S. Over 30 million businesses and executives are included in the database, 220 million residences, new movers, new homeowners, new businesses, and more, all sortable and downloadable. Your Pasco County library card number will serve as your password to access this database.
Pasco County Libraries Online Databases > Business & Career > A to Z Databases
Sizeup provides business and industry analysis, competitive intelligence, demographic analysis, and advertising analysis. Business analysis includes revenue, number of employees, cost effectiveness, revenue per capita, turnover, etc. and how your business compares with others. No login/library card required.
Pasco County Libraries Online Databases > Business & Career > Sizeup
Small Business Resource Center 
Perfect for the small business start up, this resource center has compiled dozens of books, websites, magazines and journals, forecasts, etc. covering business planning, funding, starting, and managing a small business. Your Pasco County library card number will serve as your password to access this database.
Pasco County Libraries Online Databases > Business & Career > Small Business Resource Center
Occupational Outlook Handbook 
Drawing on data from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Occupational Outlook Handbook can help find information on job duties, education and training, pay, and forecasts for hundreds of occupations. No library card needed.
Pasco County Libraries Online Databases > Business & Career > Occupational Outlook Handbook